Pensoft Series Faunisitca No. 37, ISSN 1312-0174. 2004. 536 pp. CD-ROM included. Price: Eur 80.00
Dealing with the literature is difficult these days even allowing the use of computerized libraries and their contents. The sheer volume of papers, even in a specialised field such as a single order of insects — Orthoptera, makes it difficult to do more than note titles and read abstracts. Adding to the problem is the ever-increasing number of journals and books that major libraries are discontinuing due to financial pressures.
So it is with considerable interest that a book has been published purporting to provide all references to the literature, world-wide, for saltatorial Orthoptera from 1750 to 2000. [The book excludes Mantodea, Phasmatodea, Dermaptera, Notoptera, etc.] This bibliography comprises more than 14,000 titles and is based on extant species, with only a handful of paleontological references included. Titles are listed alphabetically and chronologically arranged in 9-pt Times Roman type that is easily read and usefully spaced. Included references deal with systematics, taxonomy, faunistics, synonymy, nomenclature and other topics relevant to classification. Only “important” literature on pests, conservation and endangered species, migration and control are included. The authors beg forgiveness for omissions and errors, but these will be few, as the work seems quite thorough. The right margin of the book includes a handy alphabetical index.
The use of abbreviations is bound to cause some concern to some users. The authors note the ever-changing rules of abbreviating journal names and they have adopted a sensible, practical approach. Language and spelling is always in Roman characters even if the papers were given in other languages. Rationalisation for the transliteration of diacritical marks is given in the introduction.
A CD version of the database accompanies the book based on “Filemaker Runtime”, providing the same sources as the printed version but giving the full names of the journals and authors. This database allows the user to find, sort, export and import references in a variety of formats. It also allows the user to make notes and add data in several searchable fields. Personal notes and data information and updates can be accommodated by the CD-ROM. The introductory pages of the book provide comprehensive instructions on the use of the database. Users will find this an important time-saving device in preparing manuscripts. The CD-ROM runs on PC (Windows 98, Me, NT 4.0, Windows 2000 and Windows XP). Macintosh users need (Mac OS 8.6–9.2.2 or Mac OS X 10.1–10.3).
This is an important contribution to our science. Libraries, students and specialists will find it useful. It is reasonably priced. In combination with the CD-ROM, users will find it almost indispensable.